PRETA initiates PSD2 directory

The EBA Clearing subsidiary said that it aims to support payments service providers and others meet the requirements of the revised Payment Services Directive.

Date published
June 16, 2017 Categories

Pan-European payment specialist EBA Clearing’s subsidiary PRETA is launching a directory project to support payment service providers (PSPs) and third party providers (TPPs) in meeting the access-to-account requirements of the European Union’s (EU) revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2).

PRETA, which was set up in 2013 to develop digital payment solutions and is the owner-operator of the MyBank e-authorisation solution, said the project’s aim is “to deliver a pan-European directory providing relevant information on account-servicing PSPs (AS-PSPs) and TPPs for access by the latter to payment accounts.” Earlier this week the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) called for just such a directory to be delivered by the market.

“There is an obvious need for an operational directory to support both AS-PSPs and TPPs,” said John Broxis, managing director of PRETA. “TPPs will need a single point of reference to locate the interfaces of AS-PSPs, which in turn will require a single point of reference to identify TPPs authorised to access those interfaces.

“Beyond these key requirements to be tackled by such a directory, there are many possibilities for additional services aimed at reducing costs, improving security and reducing fragmentation.”

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