SEB predicts green bonds will bloom

The Nordic bank predicts that issuance will rise to at least US$125bn this year, with a potential upside of US$150bn.

Date published
May 16, 2017 Categories

Research on the burgeoning green bond market by Nordic corporate bank SEB predicts that demand this year will extend to new regions and sectors

In an analysis of the opening months of 2017 and predictions for the rest of this year, Christopher Flensborg, SEB’s head of climate and sustainable financial solutions, maintains his 2017 year-end green bond market potential issuance figures at US$125bn in a baseline scenario, but adds that there is an upside potential for issuance to rise to US$150bn.

Flensborg believes the green bond market is maturing and diversifying, with new regional hotspots emerging – such as Australia – alongside new sectors such as insurers and healthcare providers.

Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are taking time to digest the rapid acceleration and development of the market – for example in China – and consolidating strategies.

Among the findings in SEB’s latest report:

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