CBDCs: a potential game-changer for treasurers, says head of treasury at Roche

CBDCs: a potential game-changer for treasurers, says head of treasury at Ro...

2y Kam Patel
Cryptocurrency regulation key for take up by treasurers

Cryptocurrency regulation key for take up by treasurers

2y Kam Patel
Is DLT the answer to the recovery of micro, small and medium enterprises?

Is DLT the answer to the recovery of micro, small and medium enterprises?

2y Rajashekara Maiya
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CBDC train steams ahead but treasurers advised to take a ‘wait and see’ approach

CBDC train steams ahead but treasurers advised to take a ‘wait and see’ app...

3y Kam Patel
Treasury tech update: NatWest, BNY Mellon, Barclays, Oracle and more…

Treasury tech update: NatWest, BNY Mellon, Barclays, Oracle and more…

3y Kam Patel
Cryptos come in from the cold in the post-pandemic world
Investment & Funding

Cryptos come in from the cold in the post-pandemic world

4y Selwyn Parker
Goldman Sachs’ head of digital assets: Market looking for institutional grade crypto infrastructure

Goldman Sachs’ head of digital assets: Market looking for institutional gra...

4y Aoife Morgan
Blockchain will unlock greater liquidity for private markets
Capital Markets

Blockchain will unlock greater liquidity for private markets

4y Jeremy Chan
Deep-tier financing: what is it and why should you care?

Deep-tier financing: what is it and why should you care?

5y Mads Stolberg-Larsen
How is Blockchain transforming trade strategy?

How is Blockchain transforming trade strategy?

5y Alisa Di Caprio
What are the teething problems with real-time payments?

What are the teething problems with real-time payments?

5y Austin Clark
How technology will change treasury – FIS Q&A: Part two

How technology will change treasury – FIS Q&A: Part two

5y Tom Lemmon
Cross-border blockchain-based trade finance pilot launched

Cross-border blockchain-based trade finance pilot launched

5y Jay Ashar
ACT Middle East Treasury Summit: Perfect blend of local intelligence

ACT Middle East Treasury Summit: Perfect blend of local intelligence

5y Jay Ashar
Tech giants are a significant concern to FS&I companies

Tech giants are a significant concern to FS&I companies

5y Tom Lemmon
Bank of America joins the Marco Polo Network
Accounts Receivable

Bank of America joins the Marco Polo Network

5y Jay Ashar
Banking industry's approach to technology shifting

Banking industry's approach to technology shifting

5y Jay Ashar
Commerzbank and LBBW execute landmark trade finance transaction via third party

Commerzbank and LBBW execute landmark trade finance transaction via third p...

6y Tom Lemmon
IBM launches blockchain supplier management platform

IBM launches blockchain supplier management platform

6y Jay Ashar
Commerzbank tests first blockchain-based machine-to-machine payment solution

Commerzbank tests first blockchain-based machine-to-machine payment solutio...

6y Austin Clark
Value of blockchain in trade finance yet to be realised

Value of blockchain in trade finance yet to be realised

6y Jay Ashar
Case study: Disrupting trade finance with technology for the good of the business
10 Minutes With The Treasury

Case study: Disrupting trade finance with technology for the good of the bu...

6y Jay Ashar
Blockchain to deliver faster, cheaper and less complex cross-border payments

Blockchain to deliver faster, cheaper and less complex cross-border payment...

6y Jay Ashar
Landmark and HSBC carry out dual-platform blockchain transaction
Asia Pacific

Landmark and HSBC carry out dual-platform blockchain transaction

6y Jay Ashar
Cross-border payment partnership announced by MoneyGram and Ripple

Cross-border payment partnership announced by MoneyGram and Ripple

6y Jay Ashar
Step up risk assessments of cryptocurrencies, warns FSB

Step up risk assessments of cryptocurrencies, warns FSB

6y Jay Ashar
World Bank and CBA turn to blockchain for secondary bond trading

World Bank and CBA turn to blockchain for secondary bond trading

6y Jay Ashar