How open banking should benefit corporate treasurers

How open banking should benefit corporate treasurers

3y Tudor Lodge Consultants | Spon...
SME banking and the data opportunity

SME banking and the data opportunity

3y Peter Ryan | Infosys Finacle
Richer data poised to become the pre-condition for cross-border payments to thrive

Richer data poised to become the pre-condition for cross-border payments to...

3y Jeremy Chan
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Why data-driven cash forecasting is the future
Cash Management

Why data-driven cash forecasting is the future

3y Kam Patel | Contributor at CashAnalytics.
Reducing the clutter: Overcoming cash management challenges with APIs
Cash Management

Reducing the clutter: Overcoming cash management challenges with APIs

4y Rahul Wadhavkar
Treasury must see data as priority for tech transformation
Cash & Liquidity Management

Treasury must see data as priority for tech transformation

4y Jeremy Chan
Why (and how) to move from OCR to EDI
Big Data

Why (and how) to move from OCR to EDI

4y Piotr Jagiełło
Canada divided on open banking drive
Open Banking

Canada divided on open banking drive

4y Jeremy Chan
As the world changes, how will data help you change with it?
Cash & Liquidity Management

As the world changes, how will data help you change with it?

4y Eugene Hillery
BigTech in financial services may require sweeping new laws
Big Data

BigTech in financial services may require sweeping new laws

5y Jay Ashar
How to thrive in a hyper-connected world
Big Data

How to thrive in a hyper-connected world

5y Lu Zurawski
Data, new technologies and partnerships key to success of virtual banks

Data, new technologies and partnerships key to success of virtual banks

5y Jay Ashar
Mastercard delivers greater transparency for commercial cardholders
Corporate to Bank Relationships

Mastercard delivers greater transparency for commercial cardholders

6y Austin Clark
Is treasury missing the artificial intelligence opportunity?

Is treasury missing the artificial intelligence opportunity?

6y Austin Clark
Data visualisation: Part three of our in-depth focus on the six bold treasury predictions for 2019
Big Data

Data visualisation: Part three of our in-depth focus on the six bold treasu...

6y Nash Riggins
The Challenges of Regulatory Reporting

The Challenges of Regulatory Reporting

6y Autorek
Six bold treasury predictions for 2019
Corporate Treasury

Six bold treasury predictions for 2019

6y Bob Stark
The data imperative for trade finance
Trade Finance

The data imperative for trade finance

6y Mike Walker
Does automation sound the death knell for the spreadsheet?

Does automation sound the death knell for the spreadsheet?

7y The Global Treasurer
52% of Europeans are open to federated identification, survey finds
Cyber Security & Fraud

52% of Europeans are open to federated identification, survey finds

7y The Global Treasurer
Battling counterfeiters with the blockchain
Cyber Security & Fraud

Battling counterfeiters with the blockchain

7y Adrian Clarke
How spend analytics helps procurement cut costs
Financial Supply Chain

How spend analytics helps procurement cut costs

7y Brian Alster
Open banking: the unfinished revolution

Open banking: the unfinished revolution

7y Jo Howes
Fighting fraud with industry integration and collaboration

Fighting fraud with industry integration and collaboration

8y Andrew Davies
Treasury's status is rising say 68% of finance professionals

Treasury's status is rising say 68% of finance professionals

8y Victoria Beckett
Q1 has lowest currency losses since 2014

Q1 has lowest currency losses since 2014

8y Victoria Beckett