Intesa Sanpaolo, EBA Clearing test pan-European instant payments

Intesa Sanpaolo, EBA Clearing test pan-European instant payments

8y GTNews
SMEs ‘will switch banks to gain real-time payments’

SMEs ‘will switch banks to gain real-time payments’

8y Graham Buck
The payments paradox: achieving more with less
Bank Relationships

The payments paradox: achieving more with less

8y Paul van der Valk
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EBA CLEARING starts countdown to pan-European instant payments

EBA CLEARING starts countdown to pan-European instant payments

8y Graham Buck
ACI launches latest version of UP Immediate Payments

ACI launches latest version of UP Immediate Payments

8y GTNews
European Payments Council launches SEPA instant credit transfer scheme
Clearing & Settlement

European Payments Council launches SEPA instant credit transfer scheme

8y Graham Buck
Support grows for EBA Clearing’s real-time payment platform

Support grows for EBA Clearing’s real-time payment platform

8y GTNews
Brexit ‘shouldn’t deter e-money firms’

Brexit ‘shouldn’t deter e-money firms’

9y Graham Buck
SIA partners with Raphaels Bank on pan-European payments
Financial Services

SIA partners with Raphaels Bank on pan-European payments

9y GTNews
EBA CLEARING’s STEP2 platform enhanced for SEPA credit transfers
Clearing & Settlement

EBA CLEARING’s STEP2 platform enhanced for SEPA credit transfers

9y GTNews
EPC consults on pan-European instant payments scheme

EPC consults on pan-European instant payments scheme

9y Graham Buck
Countdown to 2017 launch for real-time credit transfers across SEPA

Countdown to 2017 launch for real-time credit transfers across SEPA

9y Madhvi Mavadiya
Italian Businesses Seek Scalability and Efficiency for Growth
Corporate Strategy

Italian Businesses Seek Scalability and Efficiency for Growth

10y Cédric Derras
European Payments Council Updates SEPA Rulebooks

European Payments Council Updates SEPA Rulebooks

10y The Global Treasurer
MyBank SDD Core Mandates Solution Goes Live

MyBank SDD Core Mandates Solution Goes Live

10y The Global Treasurer
SEPA: From Compliance to Innovation
Bank Strategy

SEPA: From Compliance to Innovation

10y The Global Treasurer
Achieving the Real Benefits of SEPA

Achieving the Real Benefits of SEPA

11y The Global Treasurer
SEPA 2014 and Beyond: Generate the Efficiencies and Stay Engaged in the Debate

SEPA 2014 and Beyond: Generate the Efficiencies and Stay Engaged in the Deb...

11y Javier Santamaría
SEPA in Germany: Mission Accomplished

SEPA in Germany: Mission Accomplished

11y Edith Rigler
The SEPA Initiative: Time’s up! Or is this Just the Beginning?

The SEPA Initiative: Time’s up! Or is this Just the Beginning?

11y Michael Burtscher
SEPA: Mission Accomplished or Work in Progress?

SEPA: Mission Accomplished or Work in Progress?

11y Joanna Wright
SEPA as the Spur for Online Payment Services Innovation

SEPA as the Spur for Online Payment Services Innovation

11y John Broxis
Spreading the SEPA Spirit

Spreading the SEPA Spirit

11y Markus Straußfeld
Extended Transition to SEPA - What Does it Mean for Companies?
Corporate Strategy

Extended Transition to SEPA - What Does it Mean for Companies?

11y Michaela Odebrecht
The Payments Pause: What can Corporates do with SEPA’s Extra Six Months?
Corporate Strategy

The Payments Pause: What can Corporates do with SEPA’s Extra Six Months?

11y Ad van der Poel
SEPA: A Moving Target
Corporate Strategy

SEPA: A Moving Target

11y Fiona Hamilton
Don’t Lose Your Grip on SEPA

Don’t Lose Your Grip on SEPA

11y The Global Treasurer
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